Factors That May Affect Your Life Insurance Cost

Your life insurance cost depends on several factors, which all have to do with you being a unique individual. That’s why you must customize your own life insurance policy to fit your family’s needs. Let’s discuss all the factors here. 9 Factors That Affect Life Insurance Premiums Each of these factors associates with risk and […]

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How Can You Avoid Taxes on Life Insurance? 

Under normal circumstances, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not tax life insurance benefits. However, the beneficiary may have to pay taxes on the benefits they receive in some situations. As a life insurance policyholder, you should play your cards well to avoid leaving a tax burden on your beneficiaries. Here’s detailed information on […]

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Life Insurance Basics: What Is Term Life Insurance?

Upon death, the average American adult leaves behind $62,000 in debt on average. While some creditors cancel debts upon the debtor’s death, others go after the deceased’s estate. That’s why life insurance is important. This policy pays death benefits to the named beneficiaries. The benefits can help in clearing debts, paying funeral costs, paying bills, […]

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How Can You Qualify for a Life Insurance Loan?

Perhaps you have considered borrowing money from your life insurance policy during a financial emergency. While receiving a life insurance loan is a great way to get some quick cash, there are a few things you must know. Difference Between Life Insurance and Traditional Loans Life insurance loans differ from traditional loans because they don’t […]

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When Can I Withdraw Cash from My Life Insurance Policy?

The ability to withdraw cash from a life insurance policy can empower you and your family to navigate financial issues confidently. While term life insurance is cheaper, it doesn’t provide a cash account for emergencies, unlike a permanent life policy. Types of life insurance that build cash value Life insurance policies based on term limits […]

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Why You Should Work with CAV Insurance Agency

  Reasons to Work with Your Local Insurer   There are so many ways to shop for car insurance, home insurance, and business insurance today. With the advancement of technology, not only do you have more ways to shop, but you can do it on your own time. However, insurance remains a complicated product. It […]

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