Essential Ways to Prepare for a Hurricane

A dark cloud is shown in the sky.

Essential Ways to Prepare for a Hurricane

How to Prepare for Hurricane Season in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November. Researchers predict this year to be a slightly above-average season. There could be as many as 14 tropical storms, and several of those are expected to become hurricanes. There’s no way of knowing how hurricanes will affect us here in the northeast, but it is wise to be prepared, nevertheless. Before a devastating storm reaches our area, it’s a good idea to plan ahead. Along with quality homeowners insurance in Wellesley, MA and beyond, these tips can help your family and property remain safe.

Prepare a Basic Disaster Supply Kit

  • Water – one gallon of water for drinking and sanitation per person, per day, for at least three days
  • Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Blankets
  • Cell phone chargers and portable backup batteries
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust mask to help filter contaminated air
  • Wrench to turn off utilities
  • Pet food, water, blankets, and any necessary medication
  • Local maps with evacuation locations – Find evacuation zone maps here

Create a Family Communication Plan

Each family member should know when and how to contact other family members during a major storm.

  • Establish a routine on how to contact each other if you get separated during an emergency.
  • Encourage each family member to carry a cell phone along with a portable battery pack.
  • Take copies of your written plan and contact details and distribute to family members.

Clear Your Yard and Deck

Even if you live inland in Massachusetts, such as Dover instead of Chataham, it’s wise to prepare your home for an emergency, too.

  • Store grills, outdoor furniture and other moveable objects indoors.
  • Trim loose, dead, or dying tree branches near your home.
  • Secure bicycles and other recreational items

More Preparation Tips

  • Locate a safe location within your home that is away from windows and doors.
  • Take household inventory, including photos and serial numbers, too.
  • Make copies of licenses, birth certificates, passports, and social security numbers.
  • Fill your vehicle gas tank before the storm.
  • Secure your boat or move it to a safer mooring.
  • Review your insurance coverage.

Experiencing a hurricane can be a traumatic event. Fortunately, with the professionals at CAV Insurance Agency by your side, you can feel rest assured that your home, belongings, vehicle, boat, and finances are protected with quality insurance. We serve Metro West areas such as Natick, Wellesley, Dover, Sherborn, Weston. Talk to our team today to learn more about how we can safeguard your assets.