Boating Safety Tips

A boat is traveling on the water in the ocean.

Boating Safety Tips

Boating is supposed to be an incredibly fun and memorable experience, but it can only be so when you keep safety in mind.

Even if you are as experienced a captain as Captain Nemo, it is always a good idea to review boating safety rules before you hit the water. The best way to remain calm and remember the safety tips is to go over them as much as possible. If you want to protect yourself and those aboard your vessel, it is important that you consider the following safety tips.

  1. Be Aware of the Weather

    You absolutely must be aware of the weather before you go out on the water. You can check your phone, online, and your TV to get a good forecast of your local weather. If you get to your boat and you see dark clouds, feel sudden drops in temperature, and notice changing winds, play it safe and get off the water.

  2. Develop a Float Plan

    Always make sure to let someone know you are going boating before you head out to sea. You need to develop a Float Plan. A good plan includes the following information:

    • Boat type and registration information
    • Name, address, and phone number of the boat owner
    • Trip itinerary
    • Name and phone number of all passengers
    • Alternative forms of communication like Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) or Personal Locator Beacon
  3. Always Wear Lifejackets

    Most drowning victims are the result of them not wearing their life jacket. Make sure that your family and friends don’t become another statistic by giving each member onboard a lifejacket that properly fits them. Make it a rule that they wear it all times when aboard the sea vessel.

Boat insurance can protect you from such dangers in terms of property and liability, but it’s best to do what you can to avoid any issues. For all of your insurance questions and needs, contact CAV Insurance today.