Underinsuring Your Home

Ensure your coverage matches your home’s replacement cost, not just its market value, to avoid shortfalls in rebuilding costs after a loss

Neglecting Flood Insurance

Most policies do not cover flood damage. Consider adding flood insurance, especially if you're in a prone area

Choosing the Wrong Deductible

A high deductible can lower premiums but may not be affordable when a claim arises. Balance your deductible with what you can realistically afford

Overlooking Sewer Backup Coverage

Sewer backups are typically not covered by standard policies. Adding this coverage can save you from significant out-of-pocket expenses​

Failing to Update Home Inventory

 Keeping an updated list of possessions helps ensure you’re adequately covered and simplifies the claims process after a loss

Ignoring Policy Details and Exclusions

Understand the terms and conditions of your policy, especially exclusions, to avoid surprises during a claim

Not Shopping Around

Insurance premiums can vary significantly between providers. Compare offers to ensure you’re getting the best deal for the coverage you need

Insuring for Market Value Instead of Replacement Cost

 Insuring your home for its market value can leave you underinsured. Your policy should cover the cost to rebuild your home, not its current sale price

Forgetting to Inform Insurer of Changes

Any home improvements or significant purchases should be reported to your insurer to maintain adequate coverage

Not Researching the Insurance Provider

Beyond price, consider the insurer’s reputation, customer service, and claims process to ensure they meet your needs​